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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Human Trafficking Awareness & Response

February 22, 2022
6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
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Human trafficking is one of the most prevalent organized crime activities in the world, tied with illegal arms dealing and second only to drug peddling, and generates over $150 billion worldwide. But where is it MOST often found? At some point, over 99% of all trafficking victims pass through or stay at a hotel ranging in class from a Motel 6 to the Ritz. This crime knows no economic boundaries.

Find out what role you can play as a hospitality industry professional in the fight against human trafficking.

This education session is eligible for one hour of CEU credit and has been submitted to the EIC.

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The education session will be followed by a facilitated Q & A session and networking. 

Meet our Speaker:
MaryAnne Bobrow

MaryAnne Bobrow CMP, CMM, CHE, CAE
President, Bobrow Associates, Inc.


MaryAnne Bobrow, CAE, CMP, CMM has more than 20 years of experience in association and meetings management. She is an active member of and volunteers for multiple industry associations, including ASAE, CalSAE, MPI, and AMCI. She has served in multiple leadership roles including MPI Chapter Advisory Council Chair, MPI SSN President, MPI Independent and Small Business Advisory Board, MPI Anti-Human Trafficking Committee, ASAE Ethics Committee, and is the former Chair of the EIC’s APEX Standards Council (now Industry Insights) to name a few. She is an approved facilitator for the chapter leadership program, has authored chapters for CIC Manual, 9th Edition, IAEE’s Art of the Show, 3rd and 4th Editions, and PCMA’s Professional Meeting Management, 5th and 6th Editions, and writes articles for and/or records webinars for industry organizations and magazines, including Meetings Today. She is a frequent presenter at industry events, with focus on business acumen and trends, risk management, financial proficiencies, attendee safety and security, human trafficking awareness, and disruption innovation for meetings and organizations.

Tashmia Bryant

Tashmia Bryant

Tashmia Bryant is a Senior Technical Assistance Specialist with the Center for Capacity Building at the National Alliance to End Homelessness. Previously, she developed and led CT statewide training, technical assistance, and race equity strategy as the Capacity Building and Equity Program Manager at the Connecticut Coalition to End Homelessness. Prior to her macro-level work to end homelessness, Tashmia worked directly with families involved with CT Department of Children and Families who were at risk of experiencing homelessness to identify safe, affordable housing and to connect with community supports as part of their stabilization plan. She also has coordinated rental subsidies for single individuals at risk of experiencing homelessness funded by the CT Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services. Tashmia is also proud to have worked with Hartford’s youth providing workforce development support and has taught career competency development training as well as developed new workforce partners for the Capitol Workforce-sponsored Summer Youth Employment Program. Tashmia is a proud graduate of the University of Connecticut with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology and the University of Hartford with a Master of Science degree in Organizational Psychology.

Event Date: Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Event Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm

Pricing: $20.00 

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