We tend to think that protocol and etiquette knowledge is something that we need to master only when we are dealing with official, governmental events. In reality, etiquette and protocol should be exercised at all levels in the event organization industry. On one side, etiquette is a code of polite conduct, which is meant to be a guideline for our everyday interactions, and is not a set of strict rules carved in stone. Protocol, on the other hand, is rather a set of rules, which facilitates the organization of any kind of official event. By applying these rules and following the guidelines, event organizers raise their events' standards, make the best impressions, and provide an outstanding experience for their clients, guests and VIPs. Some of these essentials elements include the proper address to dignitaries, the right dress codes, perfect seating plans, a consideration of others and much more. While this is all elementary and important, nowadays our meetings and events have shifted to the online space, where we should also look to show our impeccable skills and manners, and be the best version of ourselves.
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