Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Monthly Education Program

February 13, 2020
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM
UltraStar Multi-tainment Center & Elements Event Center

Speaker: Jeff Butler

Topic: 21st Century Leadership – How to Cultivate Leadership in Today’s Multigenerational Workplace

Whether you a Baby Boomer, Millennial or Generation Xer, the same rule applies, leaders speak with their actions, not with their words. So, it’s imperative that leaders understand how to stimulate action in adverse circumstances. Jeff dives deep into how the psychology of leadership works, debunking the biggest myths that are often preached about leadership. Mostly important, Jeff shows how anyone can develop leadership traits to create life-changing adjustments to get extraordinary results, whether that may mean getting a better following, group leadership, or inspiring others around you. For maximum impact, Jeff provides real world, actionable tips to help attendees take immediate steps to apply his advice and his as leaders in their own careers.

Venue Details

UltraStar Multi-tainment Center & Elements Event Center
16000 Maricopa Road
Maricopa, AZ 85139

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