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Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Adrienn Massaglia, CMP

Adrienn Massaglia


Name: Adrienn Massaglia, CMP

What was the best part of your CMP University experience? 


The atmosphere of the classes: sharing stories, learning from each other.

How was the transition from in person to virtual? 


Pat and Mary Anne made it very easy. Actually, the online option was available from the beginning (before the pandemic) - just in case someone was not able to participate in person, all students were provided a Zoom link to connect with the live class. After the pandemic hit and it was unsafe to meet in person, it was an easy transition to connect virtually via Zoom.

What was your biggest takeaway from CMP University?


Ok, so students with hospitality experience might find a few items that are non-customary or managed/handled differently in real life scenarios than what the books teach. Nevertheless, learn what's in the books, because that will be the correct answer on the test. 

What words of advice can you provide to future CMP U students?


Memorize and understand the formulas! Formula questions are worded tricky, so read the question 2-3 times before you start your calculations. Also, formula questions are worth more points than the "non-formula" questions on the test - you have a better chance passing the test if you get all formula questions answered correctly. 


Also, if you choose to take the test from the comfort of your home, make sure that all distractions (spouse, kids, pets, mail/Amazon/FEDEX/UPS deliveries, phone, TV, street noise, neighbors bringing over freshly baked cupcakes to sample, etc) are eliminated. The test will challenge you. I took it in a test center, and it did help to fully focus it.

What was your favorite domain to learn about during CMP U?


It's a tie between Designing the Meeting Experience and Site/Venue Selection

How has obtaining your CMP designation helped your career?


I'm a recent graduate, so it might be too soon to tell. I'm confident though that it will tremendously help the career transition I'm working on right now. 



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