Overall Excellence Chapter Award



Application for Affiliate Membership


An individual would be eligible for an Affiliate Membership in the Sunbelt Chapter
if they are a national dues-paying member of another chapter.


For $75.00 a year, you would get the following benefits:

  • Inclusion on our contact list - you will receive all e-correspondence and chapter mailings.
  • A copy of our Sunbelt Chapter Annual Membership Directory.
  • Inclusion in our Annual Membership Directory and our on-line directory. Access to our chapter on-line directory.
  • Invitation to partake in any of our chapter functions for the member rate - this would include the Monthly Mini-Tradeshow.
  • Opportunity to join and be active on any of the various committees.
  • Opportunity to purchase our mailing labels for the member price of $75.00 (non-member price is $300.00).


This membership would be renewable on your anniversary date each year.

If you are interested in taking advantage of this great opportunity, just fill out the membership application below.

Cost for Affiliate Membership is $75.00.


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